Resources to build your own site
The full list of sites that I used to help me learn about HTML and build this site directly in the Neocities text editor, which I have only just learned is probably a bad idea. Hmm.
This specific page will be made from scratch, now that Ive got a vague idea of how this code works. Pretty much everything else here has been made from edited templates, which I never quite knew how to use properly at the time. The style/CSS will be added here later, once all the main content is down. I think that's how it's supposed to work anyway.
Tutorials and Learning
Tutorials on pretty much everything you need, if you've been looking around for resources then you've already seen this one plenty of times.
Similar to W3Schools, the way certain elements are explained here are slightly different and at times was more helpful to me. Surprised I haven't seen this one around much.
Both tutorials and add-ons for your site, such as Spotify and fonts. Not sure which category to put thin one in.
32-Bit Cafe
A little bit of everything here, from simple tutorials on webcrafting to accessibility guides and online etiquette. You can spend hours combing through all the information linked on here.
Coding Tools
Live HTML/CSS editor. Has the option to autosave and allows you to edit both HTML and CSS in the same window. Much easier to use than the Neocities editor if that's what you've been using.
Ive heard good things about Notepad, but Im working with a chromebook, and fuck, these things are useless. The best tool I can recommend is a PC that doesn't have the software of a smart phone.
Templates From Other Users
Probably the most well-known resource for making Neocities sites. Templates, guides, and customisable layouts.
Another massively popular resource for site templates, both HTML and CSS.
A selection of templates by other Neocities users.